Ascanio Cuba realizza due stanze dell’innovativo Muraless Art Hotel
Title | : | Muraless Art Hotel – Made in Italy – Olio (stanza 336) & Muraless Art Hotel – Made in Italy – Pandoro (stanza 334) | ||
Subject | : | Mural painting – Traditional painting technique | ||
Location | : | Muraless Art Hotel, via Scuderlando, 122, 37060 Castel D’azzano (Verona) | ||
Date | : | 2023, March |
Ascanio Cuba partecipa all’innovativo progetto del nuovo Muraless Art Hotel, un albergo a quattro stelle a sud di Verona dall’identità unica, espressa con la spettacolarità delle illustrazioni impresse nelle 94 stanze.
Il progetto, curato dalla critica d’arte Chiara Canali, con la collaborazione della galleria milanese Deodato Arte, ha coinvolto 52 street artist di fama nazionale e internazionale per dipingere murales sulla facciata esterna, negli spazi comuni e sulle pareti di 94 stanze a tema Made in Italy: nei settori vino, opera lirica, cinema, motori, arte, architettura, design, storia, scienza, cibo, moda e musica.
Ascanio ha realizzato due stanze a tema cibo: la numero 336, dedicata all’olio e la numero 334, dedicata al pandoro, dolce natalizio apprezzato in tutto il mondo.
Translation: English
Ascanio Cuba participates in the innovative project of the new Muralless Art Hotel, a four-star hotel located in the south of Verona with a unique identity, expressed by the spectacularity of the illustrations imprinted in the 94 rooms.
The project, curated by the art critic Chiara Canali, with the collaboration of the Milanese gallery Deodato Arte, has involved 50 street artists of national and international fame to paint murals on the external facade, in the common spaces and on the walls of 94 rooms with the theme “Made in Italy”: wine, opera, cinema, engines, art, architecture, design, history, science, food, fashion and music sectors.
Ascanio has created two food-themed rooms: number 336, dedicated to oil and number 334, dedicated to pandoro, the famous Christmas cake appreciated all over the world.
Video work in progress
Servizio TG5
NEWS > Inaugura il Muraless Art Hotel: 94 stanze dipinte da 52 street artist